Pathways to Connect Heart Mind
Group Coaching
“My life has transformed completely….”
“Thank you for the Nourishing Roots webinars experience. I have never done anything like this before, it is very powerful and potent and giving me to the tools to drive the changes I want to make in my life.
For over ten years I have done Yoga, psychology, and Jungian analysis and no-one gave me such simple and at the same time very powerful tools. If it is working so well for me, and I can’t even speak very good English, I can imagine what it is doing for other people! Towards the end of the seven sessions I started to feel love for myself and let go of the worry about my job and the changes I want to make. I now feel much happier, lighter and free”
— Vera, Lawyer from Italy, August 2020
“She was able to create an atmosphere of safety, and open hearted sharing happened naturally”
‘‘I was really surprised to see how Cameron was able to bring the experience of the treatment room into the webinar space. She was able to create an atmosphere of safety, and open hearted sharing happened naturally. People got to see and hear how we all struggle with the same things. They also discovered a language for speaking about themselves with others, and sharing what's really going on underneath.
The combination of the Nourishing Roots teachings and the sharing, are really effective making this offering very original. The teachings empower people to help themselves, which make this course very special.’’
— Dr Carolyn Eddleston
“The videos are short, sharp and to the point and I was engaged the whole time.”
‘‘I Loved the Nourishing Roots webinars and watching the online videos afterwards has opened my mind to thinking about life differently. When I watched them I thought ... How did I not see that before? I particularly liked learning about limits and boundaries, it makes so much sense, because when you let people push on your boundaries you just feel it's wrong.
The videos are short, sharp and to the point and I was engaged the whole time. I was really surprised to discover how simple the Yoga practices were. Anyone can do this, they are very easy. What I noticed during the practice was I felt really calm, and I completely zoned out from all the pressures going on in my world.’’
— Ivana, August 2020
‘‘Inspiring, thought provoking and it’s been like getting a map I didn’t know I wanted’’
‘‘The Nourishing Roots online course is inspiring, thought provoking and it’s been like getting a map I didn’t know I wanted. It’s clear straight forward and helps you see how things are for you… so you can make adjustments along the way. What I like is it’s not someone telling what to do but it’s showing me How I can live in my own way to suit my real self.’’
— Danielle
‘‘This ability to help awaken one’s own potential is the true gift of a good teacher, and Cameron is one of the rare, real teachers.’’
‘‘Cameron shows us we all exist on a spectrum. It is one thing to know who we are and what we are capable of doing now, but another to awaken the potential of what we can become. This ability to help awaken one’s own potential is the true gift of a good teacher, and Cameron is one of the rare, real teachers.’’
— Mimi Kuo-Deemer, Author of “Xiu Yang - Self Cultivation for a happier, healthier and balanced life”
The Courses have given me a model for how to be aware and awake in the moment.
Before I was introduced to Cameron I was at breaking point after a relationship breakup. I was over-thinking and over-analysing everything. What was coming out of my mouth was out of control. I was taking offence at the people closest to me and my reactions to them were extreme. I felt like I was having a nervous breakdown. I had no idea who I was and knew I had to find the real me.
The one to one sessions with Cameron helped to stabilise my mood. When I started the courses I found ways to see myself and the meditations helped me to be present. Now that I know what I want to feel and be like, it’s easier to do that. The courses have given me a model for how to be present and aware in the moment. When my busy mind wants to kick in I put my hands on my Heart and bring myself back to reset to being present. It’s been the biggest change and has changed everything for me.

“I have developed a much deeper connection with my heart.”
“I found the weekend spent with you and your wisdom was probably one of the most enlightening weekends that I have ever experienced. I bring your teachings into my everyday life and have developed a much deeper connection with my heart.”
— Hilary, Yoga teacher, Gold Coast
“Cameron has the loveliest open and engaging style...”
‘‘Both in my day-to-day work as well as through friends and family, it is increasingly clear that there is a mental health crisis—particularly in our young people. It seems almost the norm now for adolescents to be anxious. I absolutely applaud Cameron for her mission to make wellbeing accessible for all. Cameron has the loveliest open and engaging style—she lives and breathes what it is to be authentic and content and I loved this introduction to thinking about health from a holistic perspective.’’
— Dr Michelle McCarthy, Clinical Psychologist, Christchurch
“Cameron's course provided me with the tools to support me in my fast-paced, stressful role in the corporate world”
‘‘I have been having individual coaching sessions with Cameron for many years and feel multiple benefits which support my wellbeing, and allows my life to flow more freely. In 2020...the year of change for all, I completed Cameron's excellent and well structured Head, Heart & Roots Facilitator’s course. Cameron's course provided me with the tools to support me in my fast-paced, stressful role in the corporate world; enabling me to show up and stand-up for myself by being my authentic self, and providing me with confidence to speak my truth, clearly and calmly.
At first, I found this challenging being an easy-going petite woman, however, with Cameron's guidance and teachings, I now have awareness of others behaviours and their deeper meanings, and how best to approach and manage others with thoughtful communication. I highly recommend attending Cameron's courses and learning from her wealth of wisdom. She generously shares to empower you to be your true, fearless self.’’
— Zoe, Corporate Manager
“Cameron invites her students to both understand and embrace their humanity while aspiring to a higher insight.”
“Drawing from a rich background of clinical acupuncture practice, committed Yoga practice and personal development training, Cameron Tukapua's presentations are uniquely original. She invites her students to both understand and embrace their humanity while aspiring to a higher insight.
Cameron brings a lightness of heart to her work, infusing her talks and seminars with humor, while ingeniously offering a razor-sharp perspective that encourages participants to recommit to their own personal vision”.
— Donna Farhi, Yoga Teacher Trainer, Author
‘‘It’s clear, understandable, and you can very quickly and easily start integrating it into your personal and professional working life.’’
‘‘Cameron helped me as I’ve navigated the challenges and opportunities of working in a new role, and like all workplaces, facing a time of change and transformation. Her heart centred approach has helped me find my own authentic leadership style and flow.
What I love about Cameron’s work is the power of its simplicity. It’s clear, understandable, and you can very quickly and easily start integrating it into your personal and professional working life.’’
— JM, Corporate Manager
" Cameron plants the seed and teaches you how to nurture your own growth "
Cameron plants the seed and teaches you how to nurture your own growth. Experiencing her teaching is life-changing—in a deep and long-lasting way that unfolds over time. Although it’s been over a decade since I’ve had the opportunity to learn directly from Cameron and the community of people she brings together, I’m still conscious of how insights I had then have manifested in my life since. I recommend this experience for anyone open and curious about what potential they have waiting to be realized, and anyone eager to deepen connections to others and to nature.’’
— Sean McClung, San Franciscoscription goes here
" Immediately after this retreat something had changed. I connected with my patients almost immediately."
“With The Power of Yin Retreat (now called Nourishing Roots) my personal and professional life changed in a very positive way. As a doctor I had to do a lot of self reflection which is part of the curriculum of becoming a doctor in the Netherlands. Since we know that we can communicate and connect better with people/patients if we understand our own contribution to the interaction or conversation.
Immediately after this retreat I could tell something had changed. I connected with my patients almost immediately. Where it sometimes took 10 minutes of digging and questioning before people showed me their true worries or fears, now almost within a split second people would open up and showed me their emotions. And I didn't do a thing, it was all effortless. I figured that because I changed inside, my presence had changed, which was more inviting for my patients to show or share their vulnerability”
Dr Morintje Schraeder
" Cameron opens doors for new perceptions of nature, life and the Universe "
"For me the retreat was a discovery of the world from a different perspective. Cameron opens doors for new perceptions of nature, life and the universe. She not only shares much of her vast knowledge and wisdom but, most importantly, offers tools to experience it and implement it into daily life. The retreat started me off into a new phase of my life. Now, the memory of the time spent together serves as a reference, it brings me back to center and reminds me of the bigger picture"
Stefanie Schau
" I have more strength I can call upon in myself and I have more empathy for myself and others."
"What the retreat did for me was quiet my life in significant ways. Since I returned from the retreat, I have noticed that my days are often buoyed now by a greater since of peace and a larger understanding of the broad spiritual context we all live in. I have more strength I can call upon in myself. I also have more empathy for myself and for others".
Susan Conley - Author of Landslide and other books
" To be connected to myself was the most powerful gift I could have been given "
"I started at the retreat as a wife, a mom, a family doctor and as the retreat unfolded, I shed those roles and just found myself and to be connected to myself was the most powerful gift I could have been given. Since the retreat, I take better care of myself and my family and friends and my colleagues and patients. I am connected in a way I never was before".
Dr Marie Shieh, Beijing Retreater
Acupuncture and 1:1 Coaching
“...I had all of this potentials already in me, and Cameron's treatment has helped me to get access to my inner self and who I am”
“Since I got the first acupuncture treatment from Cameron my life has changed and I have transformed completely. Across four years I have received 2-3 treatments every few months. The most fascinating thing about it, is that I had all of this potentials already in me, and Cameron's treatment has helped me to get access to my inner self and who I am.”
— Dr X , Beijing
“It has felt a bit like magic.”
‘‘I have experienced major re-balancing effects with Cameron’s treatments in a way I haven’t experienced before with Acupuncture. It has felt a bit like magic. At the time I went for treatment I was exhausted from many months of earthquake trauma work, counselling clients. Experiencing balance after the treatments made me realize how out of synch I really was. I was amazed to feel refreshed and energized so fast. This was something I hadn’t experienced before. ’’
— Valerie, Counsellor, Christchurch
“I can feel the effects days, weeks, months later, still shifting things physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.”
‘‘What amazes me about the acupuncture treatment with Cameron is that it isn't just an effect in the moment or on the day. I can feel the effects days, weeks, months later, still shifting things physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. For the last 2 years or so, every few months I have two or three treatments with Cameron. I can most certainly feel the power of her treatments and the changes they bring to my life.’’
— Rachel, Practice Nurse, Melbourne
‘‘Cameron combines incredible knowledge of Chinese medicine with the most powerful intuition and a deep understanding of the pressures of life today.’’
‘‘I came to see Cameron when I was under enormous pressure at work. My digestion was out of whack, I was stressed, emotional and exhausted. I'd been to Chinese Medicine practitioners before but nothing like this. I entered Cameron's consultation room one woman and came out quite another. Cameron combines incredible knowledge of Chinese medicine with the most powerful intuition and a deep understanding of the pressures of life today. She also has compassion in spades. My sessions with her set me on course to a healthier, happier me and I haven't looked back since.’’
— Claire, Corporate Manager, Melbourne
‘‘Cameron plants the seed and teaches you how to nurture your own growth.’’
‘‘Cameron plants the seed and teaches you how to nurture your own growth. Experiencing her teaching is life-changing—in a deep and long-lasting way that unfolds over time. Although it’s been over a decade since I’ve had the opportunity to learn directly from Cameron and the community of people she brings together, I’m still conscious of how insights I had then have manifested in my life since. I recommend this experience for anyone open and curious about what potential they have waiting to be realized, and anyone eager to deepen connections to others and to nature.’’
— Sean McClung, San Francisco
"She reignited hope in me when I was close to burnout "
Cameron helped me to balance on a physical, emotional and a spiritual level. She reignited hope in me at a time when I was close to burn out. After that I had sessions with her whenever she came to Beijing. Besides being an amazing practitioner she has this light, this energy, this guru presence that is magnetic and I believe healing in itself. Her You Being You Aligning Head & Heart online workshop is wonderful, I highly recommend it.
Tracy Driscoll - Executive Leadership Coachescription goes here
The work with Cameron has had the most profound influence in my life.
Hi, I am Linda, and I am a registered Nurse working currently in New Zealand. I met Cameron approximately 1.5 years ago. At the time I met Cameron I was really exhausted, and run down. I worked 12 hour night shifts permanently, and worked as many hours as possible. I was going through major life changes while migrating from Germany to New Zealand. Cameron was recommended to me by one of my friends from Australia. I had my first session a day before my birthday, I remember at that session I started crying, my emotions were all over the show, and I felt unbalanced, and exhausted. After my first session with Cameron I felt like a weight was lifted, I felt more balanced, grounded and settled. I now see Cameron on a regular basis, she helps me to develop myself in personal and professional ways, and she helps me to develop my communication skills. I've attended in the past years a lot of personal development courses, and have seen various coaches and health professionals, but the work with Cameron had the most profound influence in my life, and assisted me to grow in a positive, steady, consistent and permanent manner. I highly recommend Cameron.

1:1 Coaching
“Taking Cameron's course was priceless and has added a missing piece to my life"
“I have been driven for success in career and life since I was young. My hard work was recognized at early stage of my life, I was appointed as a company director at the age of 36 years old.
The company grew fast and from 20 employees, we grew to over 120 in 5 years. We became the industry leading company and received a number of business awards and I became so called "successful woman" It was such an amazing feeling to see the business go so well and extremely rewarding but there were always questions deep down, that something is not right.
I took a number of management courses and read hundreds of books to learn how to create the company I have been dreaming of, but nothing really struck me up me until I took Cameron's course. To be honest, I thought at first that Cameron's course was more like personal development rather than corporate training, but I decided to continue taking the course, otherwise I knew I would break down from the pressure and stress.
The course was eye opening because she was speaking the "language" which I did not even know existed. Learning this new “language”, I got the tools to answer all the questions and doubt I have been holding in my heart for a long time. Cameron’s teachings showed me how everything in life is linked to everything else. I could logically understand connection was everything and after a few group courses and some individual coaching sessions, for the first time in my life I was able to connect with my true self.
One of the most challenging parts was breaking through my beliefs and conditioning. Cameron made me realise how much I was trapped in beliefs and conditioning coming from my family, cultural background, education and what’s known as normal. The changes happened gradually and naturally as a result of learning to listen to my Heart and body. As I did this my mind started to slow down, I was calmer and as I started to relax my staff relaxed too, and the answers to problems came more easily.
I would definitely recommend Cameron’s teachings for leaders, managers and coaches. Her methods are very different and yet very effective and efficient.”
Company Director, MK
"In one word ... shaman"
Suzy McAlpine - Executive Leadership Coach
" Cameron can reduce information to simple explanation and understandings."
Cameron has the talent to take something which is quite complex (especially if you have studied western medicine),and explain it simply. She helps you make that transformation of thinking really easily.
Cameron can reduce information to simple explanations and understandings, it feels like coming home to common sense. I really like this because I can now use these teachings with my patients. It is simple things …like being more connected to nature, and being in rhythm. Those minor things can change a lot in how a person is feeling and I’ve experienced that as well.
Her program is a stepped plan, which enables you to understand where you are coming from and what are your roots. It has helped me understand how to nourish myself, where I am in my power and how to live in the most natural flow of being yourself.
Dr Morintje Schraeder
As much for those held back by something as it is for those stretching to get to their next level
“I have learned from many teachers including Tony Robbins, Keith Cunningham (mentor to Robert Kiyosaki who wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad), Gary Vaynerchuk and many more schools of personal development and meditation. Cameron Tukapua is outstanding and world class in her own way. Her teaching is unique and she is really worth meeting and listening to. Cameron, originally brought up on a farm in New Zealand, has studied and distilled the wisdom from indigenous cultures around the world for 30 years. She provides guidance on how to reduce anxiety and become “in the flow” for your life.
The wisdom is simple and clear and does not cut across any religion any more than the changing of the seasons does. This is also about living more harmoniously in our environment and enjoying more heart-centered connections with one another. This may be all new or it may be a reminder of things you kind of knew, but are not practicing. Cameron has a relaxed style of teaching, and it is as much for those held back by something as it is for those stretching to get to their next level.”
Simon Small - Entrepreneur
" If you can get an opportunity to work with Cameron take it..."
‘‘Cameron’s approach was completely new to me, and although I have been coached and trained by some of the worlds best, she offered a remarkable new perspective that immediately produced results for me. Cameron clearly has intuition, experience and a great deal of heart, in deep and equal measure. The space for listening that she opened in our sessions, and has delivered into my life and work, has been transformative and effective.
Cameron has offered me new paradigms that it's hard to believe were not previously visible to me, as they so quickly have supported more effective practices in so many areas of my life. As a parent, coach, trainer and community leader, I am better equipped to serve with the learning and insight that Cameron has helped provide. If you get an opportunity to work with Cameron, take it. She has a remarkable gift as a teacher, healer and coach.’’
— Gavin Presman, London