
Acupuncture accesses the life force that flows in rivers and shines through the sun. Magic !

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The first Chinese medical textbook, the “Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen ” shows our connections to nature. It was written 500 BC. In this medical tradition the mind-body is recognised as an extension of nature.

In Chinese Medicine good health depends on ‘the ability to adapt to change’. When change is rapid, unexpected, and out of our control, it is hard to adapt. No wonder many people in today’s world are feeling floods of fear and anxiety !

Our fast-changing uncertain world is fuelling widespread anxiety - a pattern of over-thinking. The nature of the mind is to think to understand. When we what we see doesn’t make sense, it creates confusion. Referring to ancient wisdom we can navigate the non-sense’ to settle the mind. Balancing the energies of the body balances the body-mind-emotions. It can also help realign Heart and Soul.

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Free-flowing with life’s changes is the key to staying balanced. Enjoying time in nature reminds us of the true power which exists within us all

Acupuncture adjusts the flow of our body energy. The diagram below is a map of the energy flows. Energy flows around the body carrying nutrients, Qi, blood and body fluids. When the body is full and abundant with energy, we feel healthy and well. If blocked we feel unwell

Acupuncture is one of the 8 limbs of Chinese medicine. Cosmology - how to see our place in the universe - is another. In ancient worldviews we recognise ourselves as energy beings, connected to Nature and all living things.

Sharing how to see ourselves as universal beings is the core of my practice. Seeing a higher view of the reality and life as ONE energy transforms our life. Right now the creative power of the whole cosmos is upgrading, many of us are feeling that. It’s time for an upgrade!

Be who you are born to be