Group Coaching

Leading groups with people from all around the world has shown me how Heartfelt connecting is powerfully healing. Listening to others is universal medicine, story-telling is humanities oldest healing salve.

Sharing our discoveries amplifies our individual process.

It shows us healing is a way of being, and wellbeing is a way of life.

Focusing on the truth of ancient wisdom ignites our inner ‘knowing’.

It opens the door of the Heart.

Being Heart awake and aware is like having a compass to guide us. It helps us navigate towards lives of purpose and meaning. Living guided by our Hearts is a natural way to transform our life.


What People Say

I was really surprised to see how Cameron was able to bring the experience of the treatment room into the webinar space. She was able to create an atmosphere of safety, and open hearted sharing happened naturally. People got to see and hear how we all struggle with the same things. They also discovered a language for speaking about themselves with others, and sharing what’s really going on underneath. 

— Dr Carolyn Eddleston GP

Dr Carolyn Eddleston

Cameron helped me to balance on a physical, emotional and a spiritual level. She reignited hope in me at a time when I was close to burn out. After that I had sessions with her whenever she came to Beijing. Besides being an amazing practitioner she has this light, this energy, a presence that is magnetic and I believe healing in itself. Her You Being You “Aligning Heart & Mind” online workshop is wonderful, I highly recommend it.

Tracy Driscoll. Executive Leadership Coach

Cameron has the talent to take something which is quite complex (especially if you have studied western medicine),and explain it simply. She helps you make that transformation of thinking really easily.

Cameron can reduce information to simple explanations and understandings, it feels like coming home to common sense. I really like this because I can now use these teachings with my patients. It is simple things …like being more connected to nature, and being in rhythm. Those minor things can change a lot in how a person is feeling and I’ve experienced that as well.
— Dr Morintje Schraeder, GP